Shop online + save the world (kind of)
We all want to make a difference, but who has the time (or cash) to be a full-time do-gooder? That’s where we come in.

Let’s be real
We all want to make a difference, but who has the time (or cash) to be a full-time do-gooder? That’s where we come in.
Introducing itsoriginal
We’re a company obsessed with doing good. We support awesome charities and NGOs, plus run our own projects. Think of us as your online shopping sidekick with a social conscience.
Here’s the deal
We build a browser extension that helps you shop online at stores that give back. ️ These stores share a small part of their sales with us (and you!), which we then donate to charities you (and we!) care about. It’s like getting cashback for good.
Why reading matters
We believe everyone deserves access to information. That’s why we use our funds to support literacy projects, like providing glasses or teaching people how to read.
Because knowledge is power, people!
How it works
It’s ridiculously easy. Just download our free browser extension and shop online like you normally do. The extension does the heavy lifting:
• Shows you how socially responsible a store is Green = awesome, red = not so much. Think traffic light, but for good vibes.
• Tracks your purchases and claims the donation You don’t have to lift a finger (unless you’re adding things to your cart, obviously).
Bonus points for superfans
• Become a member
Pick one charity you REALLY want to support, and we’ll donate half of your earned „cashback for good“ to them. You’re basically a superhero, but for good causes.
• Check out our financials
We’re a social enterprise, which means we’re open books. Every year, we publish exactly where our money comes from and goes. Transparency is our middle name (okay, not really, but it should be).
Shop online. Do good. Easy
Let’s make the world a little better, one purchase at a time
Charities we like to support
We want to make sure that your money goes to where it does most good. Therefore, we are validating the quality of charities before adding them to our list by applying the criteria defined by the DZI (Deutsches Zentralinstitut für soziale Fragen aka German Institute for social matters)
Mentor die Leselernhelfer
- Lesen als die Fähigkeit, Texte und Bilder erlesen zu können und zu verstehen
- 15.000 ehrenamtliche Lesementoren, die in Schulen gehen und insgesamt 19.000 Schüler fördern
- Lesetandems treffen sich in Schulräumen oder in Online-Lesestunden
- Helping people that don’t have the ways and means to eye-sight, water & shoes
- Giving children in smaller communities a better chance at life by giving them reading glasses specific to their needs
- Visiting out of the way communities and training them to screen and test their eyes long after we’ve gone
„Itsoriginal gives us access to micro-donors in places we could not have reached on our own.“
Anton P
CEO, xxx
Join our community now and start changing the world!
We’ll keep you posted about developments!